Remote Guests :
Most guests are remote.
If you are a guest calling in via ZOOM Video or phone,
you’ll probably get an email from the show producer for a 10-minute ZOOM setup check.
Facts :
Most shows are done via ZOOM, both audio and video.
All shows are recorded in front of a live webcast audience of several thousand at www.area52tv.com
Your entire conversation will be broadcast live to the audience, from the time you say hello until you say goodbye.
We do very little editing, so almost everything you say will go into the “final” version of the show, edited in post-production and released a day or two later.
We are not governed by the FCC but we like to keep our shows family-friendly so kids can listen.
We ask you to follow broadcast standards with language and topics.
You will be tempted to watch our live stream while you are on the show.
This is a mistake you will likely regret because it’s delayed several seconds and the bandwidth used by the stream will harm the quality of your audio and video.
Topics :
Many shows post topics in advance and the producer will share the doc with you.
John usually updates the final version of these topics a few minutes before the show.
You can suggest your own topics by clicking on the link below.
Overall Steps :
One of our producers will connect with you to check out your Zoom connection.
You go on as scheduled
Make sure you have the latest version of WWW.Zoom.US
You do not need a professional audio/video setup to be on AREA 52 TV (of course if you do, congratulations – it should work even better).
But if you don’t, you’ll need:
Direct connect headset
If you wish to buy one on your own we recommend a Hard line or USB Headset. They run about $30 on Amazon.com or Best Buy.
Do NOT use a Bluetooth headset – they sound terrible.
Please do not use the built-in laptop microphone if at all possible.
This is only for use if we have exhausted all other options.
If the laptop mic must be used, then find some iPhone/iPod headphones and plug them in so you hear the audio through the headphones.
This will prevent echo from coming back into the AREA 52 TV studio mix.
USB headset does not mean a headset with two connectors that look the same as those for iPod headphones.
It means that it is plugged into your computer via USB.
Video: You have several options
Built-in camera: If you have a new computer, chances are it has a built-in webcam. That should be sufficient.
External webcam: This is OK, too. We get excellent results on both Mac and Windows with the Logitech c920 webcams.
Ethernet connection rather than Wi-Fi, please.
If at all possible please connect directly to the Ethernet rather than using Wi-Fi as you will have a much greater likelihood of looking and sounding good.
Also, if you have to reconnect multiple times it will disrupt the live show and increase the amount of editing needed.
Are you using your home network?
If so, ask others on your network NOT to watch you on www.AREA52TV.COM as it can kill your bandwidth.
Headset feedback:
It’s possible that there could be feedback from your headset cable. You will not hear this,
but The Host and the other panelists will.
Then you will need to sit on any slack in the headset’s cord to prevent it from making a noise.
Multiple USB ports:
You will want to make sure the webcam and USB headset is plugged directly into the USB ports, not through a hub.
Will your office mate or family member be shouting nearby?
Close the door and put a sign on it that says: “Shhhh! Business phone Call in Progress.
Please don’t come in before X o’clock.”
Please, NEVER play the audio of the show via your computer speakers, internal or external.
This creates an echo that makes it difficult for the audience to understand the show and is almost impossible to edit out in post-production.
Feel free to point your friends to www.AREA52TV.COM, but don’t watch it while you’re on,
as the delay will confuse you and the bandwidth you’re using can harm the quality of the audio/video you’re sending us.
We’ll feed the video back to you.
Check to see how you look by using ZOOM Video settings.
Consider your camera.
Most built-in webcams are plenty good for our purposes,
but if you are purchasing an external camera, you might try something like the Logitech c920 webcams.
Consider your lighting. If you’re going to do this regularly, you might try a lighting system such as a LED ring Light, or something similar.
You might even try the whiter compact fluorescent light bulbs like the Lowel bulb,
and just use them on your normal lamps.
Please have a stronger light in your face than you do at your back, instead of being backlit.
If you have a pretty view behind you you’d like to show off in the shot,
make sure you have at least two strong lights pointing right at your face.
Yes, it’s bright, but it can make a beautiful shot.
Frame the image well. Usually, the best way is to have your head almost touching the top of the frame, and your head be in the top three-fifths of the frame and your chest the bottom two-fifths
(enough to put your name in the “lower third” of the screen).
And please, put the webcam just at the top of the monitor you are going to be using,
so you’re pointing right at it as you’re on your computer. No sideways views, please.
Enable video automatically. Don’t wait for us to ask for you to send a video.
The conversation will begin right away – make sure you’re sending a video.